Friday, October 23, 2009

Exciting Changes For Thompson Image

I am so happy to announce that Stephanie Heymann one of my best friends is going to be my new business partner. She has an amazing talent that she will bring to Thompson Image and I am so excited that she will be a part of the company. I wanted to share with you a letter from her, I think once you read a little about her you will quickly understand what a value she is going to bring to the company. This is her letter she sent out to her friends and family. Both Stephanie and her entire family have been a complete inspiration to me over the years on so many levels.

Dear Friends,

I have included you in this mailing because you have all played an important role in my life and my family’s life at some point.

For many years I have been helping Tyler with his business, having children and raising a family. This has been the most wonderfully fulfilling time in my life. Now, the time has come to reconnect with my passion for the arts. As many of you know, I have always had a love for photography. I studied it in school and spent countless afternoons in the darkroom developing my own film (I know, I just dated myself) and I truly yearn to be back behind a camera again, capturing moments in time and creating photographic stories.

My good friend of over a decade, Don Thompson, has built his photography business-Thompson Image, from the ground up and I have had the pleasure of watching it grow. I have lived vicariously through him for years. We have always talked about teaming up, working together, and creating something fabulous and I’m excited that that time has come.

Initially I will be assisting with the day-to-day operations of Thompson Image, booking shoots, helping clients and expanding the brand.

My long-term goal is to support the company’s vision of being at the forefront of photographic journalism and artistic photography and to gain the attention of national magazines.

Time is our most precious commodity and I thank you for extending some of it to me to read my story and explore Thompson Image for yourself.

I will conclude with thanking you for allowing me to share my news. Please let us at Thompson Image know if we can have the extreme pleasure of photographing you or your friends and family. I urge you to check out the website to see some of the amazing work that Don has produced over the years. Capturing moments and creating true beauty through his lens.


Stephanie Heymann

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Photographing Ari Gold

I had the great pleasure of photographing singer songwriter Ari Gold a few months ago. Award-Winning Independent Recording Artist Ari Gold, is turning the music scene on its head, rewriting the rules, and trailblazing a storm of political pop. With music that is as catchy as it is controversial, something that is unprecedented in R&B/Pop music. Ari has been seen and heard on TV and Radio on VH-1, MTV Europe, Radio 1, IFC, HBO Zone, BBC, FOX News, WOR, Sirius, XM, NPR . He has received critical acclaim from People Magazine, trade publications Billboard and HITS, and has appeared as a style icon in VIBE, W and V. He is the Grand Prize Winner (and 1st place in the Pop Category) of the 12th Annual USA Songwriting Competition, an Independent Music Award Winner.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Photographing James Brimeyer

James Brimeyer could give Daniel Craig a run for his money.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Amos Family

A very good friend of mine, Julie Amos has recently in this past year lost both of her parents.   I cant even imagine what they are going through especially considering how amazing their parents were.  The Amos family had such an impact on my life that my regret is that i never got to tell them that.  The Amos family was one of those families that you wanted to go visit, and hang out at their house because there was so much love in that house.  Sometimes the love was hidden in very competitive board games, or games of any kind, but Bob and Ellen Amos welcomed everyone to their house no matter what time of night or day it was and they were happy to have you.

I was around 15 when i met Julie Amos and I think we had a love, hate relationship in the beginning which quickly grew into much more.  She is one of the most talented, beautiful and caring person that i know, and her parents were just as so.  When i was 15 my own family was having very difficult times, my father with working very hard on his sobriety and my mother was working very hard to keep the family together and to maintain some sense of stability for us all.  The Amos house was where i went to escape that.  It was my safe place.  I don't think i ever really explained to Bob or Ellen what was going on in my own personal life but they welcomed me with open arms and treated me like one of their own.  Maybe somehow they knew that my home life was in trouble.  Ellen was the constant supporter for her kids, Bobby, Gene and Julie, in everything that they chose to do.  She loved them with every ounce of her being and just wanted to see each of them as happy as they could possibly be.  

It wasn't until I went to see Julie in a high school play which she played the roll of Rizzo from grease, it was the first time i really was able to see just how talented she is.  My other friend Anna was there and were recorded the play and as we watched the video mostly all you could hear was me and Anna saying Oh my god she is amazing, it was a great night and a great memory.  A few years later we were able to see Ellen star in a local production of Nunsence, and we instantly where Julie's talent came from.  Ellen was hysterical in the show and she loved the spotlight.

Bob Amos was a quiet and soft spoken guy, but when he spoke, people listened.   I dont think i ever heard him raise his voice or say one negative or derogative thing to or about anyone, he was a good soul.   I can remember being over at the Amos's until the early hours of the morning playing games and he would be in the other room just watching his programs being very content just to hear the noise, and chaos that was going on just in the other room.  For me being in that chaos of love helped get me through some of the most difficult years of my life.

Its funny that with so much competition, and yelling and playful debating that went on in the family, there was so much love for each and every one of them.  A love that will last longer than a lifetime and that will be instilled in everyone who had the distinct pleasure of spending any time with the Amos family.  They were the real deal and i am a better man for having spent time with them.

The Amos house was one of those homes that just had the smell of a welcoming house.  There was always something to eat, something being cooked, something be thawed out for us to snack on.  The running joke that lasted forever is that Ellen would hide the good ice cream and offer us kids the ice cream that was in the outside cooler with frozen chunks of ice in it.  We quickly learned where she hid the good stuff, but she would still offer the ice cream from the outside freezer, but we were on to her game.

Ellen would rollerblade with us, or try to, she would play lazer tag at midnight running around her back yard, she was present and involved, and I thought that was amazing.  When she was with you, she really was with you and committed to being in that moment.

I use to spend a great amount of time with Julie Amos and Anna Ritgers, they were very much my friends and very much my family when i needed them most.  We did not always agree on everything but we had a great time together.  I think for me and Anna just being over at the Amos house was entertaining on so many levels.  Bobby, the oldest son, gave the word competitive an entire new definition.  He was aggressive and wanted to win any game he was playing.  Gene the middle child was the peacemaker.  She was always so put together and well spoken and always smiled.  My friend Julie has all of them wrapped up in her.  Being the youngest she has all their qualities.  When she needed to be competitive you could see the light go on so fast, but so did the compassionate side of her.  She listens and hears your stories of pain.  I contribute their amazing qualities to the parenting skill of the Bob and Ellen Amos and they have all grown into what i think to be amazing, caring people.

Bob and Ellen will be missed greatly.  I am not sure how many people they will ever know that they had such a huge impact in our lives.

My heart goes out to the Bobby, Gene and Julie.  I know they loved their parents so deeply and to loose them so close together has got to be devastating to them.  It's just another lesson that they have taught me that life is so fragile, they lived, they loved, they laughed, they danced, they argued, the made up, but most of all they loved.  They loved, they loved, they loved and there was no mistaking that this family loved one another.  They loved everyone and I personally feel like a better man just from knowing them!

So thank you Bob and Ellen Amos for so many things that you may never know that have changed me as a person.  Thank you for accepting all the craziness that we all brought into your home.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  The entire Amos family will always have a very special place deep inside my heart!

You will be missed by so many!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Photographing Josh Burns

Josh Burns in an aspiring actor. I had the great pleasure of working with him to update his portfolio and i think we captured some really amazing images.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Photographing Paige Heymann

Paige Heymann turns 2 years old this year, its hard to believe. Here are some of the photos from her shoot.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Photographing Julian Nicholas

I had the pleasure of photographing Actor/Model Julian Nicholas. Julian Nicholas is a commercial and fitness model based out of Los Angeles, as well as an actor. He was great to work with and hopefully we will be collaborating on a calendar for him in the upcoming months.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I had the great pleasure of photographing Zander. He is an aspiring model that is making a name for himself fast.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Photographing Victor O Lopez

I had the great pleasure of photographing Victor O Lopez of AZ again. We are working to build up his portfolio with a variety of different looks. He is a great guy willing to try anything with always makes for a great photograph.